Conjugaison du verbe feel compelled [v.]
-feel compelled
Ifeel compelled
youfeel compelled
hefeels compelled
wefeel compelled
youfeel compelled
theyfeel compelled
Ifelt compelled
youfelt compelled
hefelt compelled
wefelt compelled
youfelt compelled
theyfelt compelled
Iwillfeel compelled
youwillfeel compelled
hewillfeel compelled
wewillfeel compelled
youwillfeel compelled
theywillfeel compelled
Ihavefelt compelled
youhavefelt compelled
hehasfelt compelled
wehavefelt compelled
youhavefelt compelled
theyhavefelt compelled
-feeling compelled
-felt compelled
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
feel qualms about feel at ease feel annoyed at feel compelled feel for feel giddy feel impelled to feel impelled feel dizzy feel thirsty feel forced kneel down feel with feel like a million feel guilty about feel obliged feel nostalgia for feel hurt feel guilty feel deeply ashamed ... (38 mots)